New Release: Different Templates for different dynamic User Groups & more
Here are the new features of the Teams Manager release in January 2022 for Microsoft Teams. There are a many amazing new functionalities – if you would like to see more about anything in particular, simply book a free demo.
Different Templates for different dynamic User Groups, Two-Owner Policy for Teams & more
- “Settings” and “Templates” pages in the menu for all tabs: The “Settings” and “Templates” tabs will no longer appear at the top of the menu but in the hamburger menu.
- Different Templates for different, dynamic User Groups: This function enables you to create user groups based on fixed users or from AD attributes. The templates can be assigned to the groups.
- Two-Owner Policy for Teams: In case one owner leaves the company or is not available, each team will be required to have two owners.
- Disable Guest Access for specific Policies: For each policy or template, specify whether to forcibly disable guest access for each team provisioned from this template.
- Naming conventions for email address: During the Team request, users will be able to enter a mail nickname, which will become subject to your organization’s naming conventions.
- Change Mail Nickname for Teams: Changing the mail nickname for each team, will make it easier for your users to forward emails.
- Using Sensitivity Labels: For example, deactivate guest access by default for restricted Teams
- More Metadata options: Sort and filter metadata, description for metadata fields, choice fields with default value and short names, new field types for numbers and consecutive numbers, new overview over all fields (edit all fields in one page)
- Executive Users: Possibility to create a new list of executive users who can create Teams directly, without going through the approval process.
- Create Yammer Communities and Sharepoint Sites
- Integration of Microsoft Teams Templates: Activate and provision Microsoft’s Teams templates with Teams Manager.
- Create Team Name Dynamically, e.g. from project number and predefined prefixes or metadata.
- New Chat Feature within Requests: For further information or questions, you can send requests back to owner.
- Multi Geo Location for data separation: you can create teams and tenants in different regions and the data will be stored in the respective region. The users can choose a location when submitting a request. By enabling this feature users will be able to choose from this list below, if not they will be assigned a default location
- Mobile View for Teams tab, Request tab and ‘Request New Team’ form
- Organized, clearly structured view of Teams on Cards
- Transfer SharePoint Document Libraries and Lists
- Multi-Language Adaptive Cards – multi-language Bot
- Admins can see all requests and approve or deny them
- Send emails through the Teams Manager provider and make the process more reliable.
- Improved API
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